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Англійська мова (1 рік) Пахомова 5 клас 2022

26.06.2022 - 13:13 387 0
Англійська мова (1 рік) Пахомова 5 клас 2022
Зміст Читати онлайн Завантажити

Zoom-in Time for Greenwich

Unit 1 Thomas Tallis School

Hello! My name is ... .

What’s your name?

I’m from ... .

How old are you?

My phone number is ... .

I’m, you’re, he’s, she’s a book, an apple

book  books, sandwich  sandwiches

What’s 7 and 17?

Alphabet rap

Sam and Terry are cool.

Is Emma eleven?

The pupils aren’t here.

in, on, under, behind

No problem!

school, classroom, school bag

Link-up A Home sweet home

Home sweet home 26–27

Unit 2 At home in Greenwich AND CHERKASY

the Brooks, the Jacksons, the Taylors

For my folder: My family

Tim is Sam’s uncle.

Her parents’ name is ... .

Sarah is from Poland.

I’ve got a blue bed.

I haven’t got a sofa.

Have they got a computer shop?

Two families

‘Charlie’ !tS? and ‘Jade’ !ß?

Ghosts in Hither Farm Road?


Link-up B Hobbyland

can/can’t 40–41

Unit 3 Free time

Clubs at Thomas Tallis

For my folder: My favourite club

What time is it?

It’s six o’clock.

Take an apple, but don’t take a sandwich.

He gets up at ... and he washes

at ... .

A chat with a night nurse

‘gets’ !s?, ‘goes’ !z? and ‘washes’ !Iz?

Barker’s story

Link-up C In town

Can you tell me the way to ... ?

go right/left/down ...

Unit 4 Greenwich Project Week

Out and about in Greenwich

For my folder: My town

Do you ... ?, Does he ... ?

What does ... ?, Where do ... ?

me, you, him, her, it, us, you, them

Greenwich for young people

In our town


Cool idea, Sam!

Unit 5 Shopping in Greenwich

Excuse me, have you

got ... ?

Let’s talk: shopping dialogues

a packet of crisps

I want a pizza.

I want to buy a pizza.

We haven’t got much sugar, and there aren’t

many apples.

first, second, third

on 21st May

Birthday lists

Tongue twisters with !f?, !v? and !w?

Happy birthday, Sam!

Unit 6 Let’s go to the country!

A postcard from Wiltshire

For my folder: The seasons

They’re eating., Are they packing?, They aren’t

watching TV.

this/that, these/those

Country sounds?

‘the’ !D? and ‘thing’ !T?

Noises in the night

Unit 7 The school year

For my folder: Our school year

Emma often writes e-mails, but today she is

writing a letter.

We must have scones!

You needn’t speak Ukrainian.

At the summer fair

The bloke at the burger stall

Unit 8 Ukraine

Information files

For my folder: Ukraine is my country


Children at the map of Ukraine!


Unit 9 English and Ukrainian holidays

Information files

For my folder: exciting holidays


Favorite holidays


ABC Practice



Glossary English–Ukrainian

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Оксана 07.11.2023 - 22:37
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Помогите 09.09.2023 - 14:30
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Вікторія 26.08.2023 - 18:54
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