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Англійська мова Кучма 9 клас 2022

24.07.2022 - 12:38 424 0
Англійська мова Кучма 9 клас 2022
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Lesson 1. Family. Working Day

Lesson 2. Food and Drinks. Clothes. Reflexive Pronouns

Lesson 3. Leisure Time. Used to/would

Lesson 4. Weather. Nature

Lesson 5. The British Isles and Ukraine. Native Town/Village. Past Perfect

Lesson 6. Holidays and Traditions

Lesson 7. My School. Past Continuous

UNIT 1. Autobiography

Lesson 8. Autobiography. Prepositions of Time by, before, after

Lesson 9. Childhood

Lesson 10. Cultural Background. Tag Questions (Simple Tenses)

Lesson 11. Autobiography. Tag Questions. Phrases for Expressing Likes/Dislikes

Lesson 12. Family Background. Tag Questions (Continuous Tenses)

Lesson 13. The Conclusion

Lesson 14. Sample Autobiography. Tag Questions (Perfect Tenses)

Lesson 15. Autobiography

Self-Assessment Module 1

UNIT 2. Cinema and Theatre

Lesson 16. At the Theatre

Lesson 17. Theatre. Can/could, may/might

Lesson 18. Choosing a Performance. Should/ought to

Lesson 19. Visit to the Theatre

Lesson 20. Cinema

Lesson 21. Favourite Film

Lesson 22. Film Review

Lesson 23. Cartoons

Self-Assessment Module 2

UNIT 3. Literature

Lesson 24. Types of Writing

Lesson 25. Favourite Book

Lesson 26. Book Review

Lesson 27. William Shakespeare

Lesson 28. Jack London. Negative Pronouns

Lesson 29. Taras Shevchenko. Indefinite Pronouns

Lesson 30. Favourite Writer. Indefinite Pronouns (Derivatives)

Lesson 31. Library

Lesson 32. Book Week. Role of Art in Our Life

Self-Assessment Module 3

UNIT 4. Travelling

Lesson 33. Ways of Providing Information

Lesson 34. Types of Tourism

Lesson 35. Rural Tourism

Lesson 36. Getting Information

Lesson 37. Attractions

Lesson 38. Fairs. Present Perfect. Just, ever, yet, already

Lesson 39. A Place to Stay

Lesson 40. A Place to Visit

Lesson 41. On Tour. Preparing a Daily Programme. Too/enough

Self-Assessment Module 4

UNIT 5. Sights of Great Britain

Lesson 42. Trafalgar Square

Lesson 43. Edinburgh. Stratford-on-Avon

Lesson 44. Big Ben. As ... as, so ... as

Lesson 45. The Houses of Parliament. Numerals

Lesson 46. The British Museum

Lesson 47. Tower Bridge

Lesson 48. Millenium Dome. Madam Tussauds

Lesson 49. The London Eye

Lesson 50. Snowdonia

Self-Assessment Module 5

UNIT 6. Sights of Ukraine

Lesson 51. Pyrohiv

Lesson 52. Lviv High Castle

Lesson 53. Uzhhorod Castle

Lesson 54. Mukachevo Palanok Castle

Lesson 55. Waterfalls. Phrases for Inviting, Accepting/Refusing

Lesson 56. St. Sophia’s Cathedral

Lesson 57. Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra

Lesson 58. The Golden Gates

Lesson 59. The Dnipro. The Thames

Self-Assessment Module 6

UNIT 7. School Subjects

Lesson 60. Geography

Lesson 61. History

Lesson 62. Mathematics

Lesson 63. Chemistry

Lesson 64. Languages

Lesson 65. Literature

Lesson 66. Physics

Lesson 67. Biology

Lesson 68. Handicrafts

Self-Assessment Module 7

UNIT 8. Media: the Internet

Lesson 69. The Birth of the World Wide Web

Lesson 70. The Internet Possibilities

Lesson 71. Just Google It

Lesson 72. SNS: Social Networking Sites

Lesson 73. Are you on Facebook?

Lesson 74. Internet Communication

Lesson 75. Internet Security and Cyber Crime

Lesson 76. The Future of the Internet

Self-Assessment Module 8

Supplementary Reading


Grammar Reference

Irregular Verbs

English-Ukrainian Dictionary

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