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Solutions (Second Edition) Upper-Intermediate. Student's Book

06.12.2015 - 11:27 13 331 0
Solutions (Second Edition) Upper-Intermediate. Student's Book
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A new, refreshed edition of the five-level English course for teenagers, with a clear structure, supported approach to speaking, practice, and exam preparation still at its heart. Includes an Online Workbook and Words app for Elementary, Pre-Intermediate and Intermediate, and iTools for all levels.
Solutions has been thoroughly modernized with 80% new content to draw in students, embed the grammar and vocabulary presented, and engage them in the tasks. Its guided approach builds up every student’s confidence, through step-by-step objectives, lots of practice, meaningful personalization activities, and exam preparation tasks.
Solutions turns all students into active learners, by offering a rich variety of learning opportunities for a whole range of abilities through extension and revision activities in all components - giving everyone a sense of achievement whatever their level.
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Помогите 09.09.2023 - 14:30
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Вікторія 26.08.2023 - 18:54
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