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Англійська мова Губарєва 3 клас Нова Українська Школа

04.07.2020 - 15:22 1 354 0
Англійська мова Губарєва 3 клас Нова Українська Школа
Зміст Читати онлайн Завантажити
UNIT 1» We Are at School Again!

Lesson 1. Glad to See You Again!
Lesson 2. My Schoolbag
Lessons 3—4. Super Classroom
Lessons 5—6. Subjects That We Learn
Lesson 7. What's Your Favourite School Subject?
Lesson 8. Our Timetable
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 2.1 Love My Family And Friends!
Lessons 1—2. Where Are You from?
Lessons 3—4. What Is Your Address?
Lesson 5. Let's Record a Video!
Lesson 6. I Can Count Very Well!
Lessons 7—8. Help about the House
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 3. World of Professions
Lesson 1. Who Has Got a Big Nose?
Lessons 2—3. I Like My Robot!
Lesson 4. People of Many Professions
Lessons 5—6. I Want to Be an Engineer!
Lesson 7. Whose Computer Is This?
Lesson 8 What Do You Want to Be?
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 4» Happy Holidays!
Lesson 1. Calendar
Lesson 2. When Is Your Birthday?
Lesson 3. Come to My BirthdayParty!
Lesson 4. St. Nicholas Day
Lesson 5. Merry Christmas!
Lessons 6—7. Easter in Ukraine
Lesson 8. Halloween
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 5. Home, Sweet Home
Lesson 1. My New House
Lesson 2. Let's Have a Cup of Tea!
Lessons 3—4. My Bedroom
Lessons 5—6. My Flat
Lesson 7. What Is There in the Living Room?
Lesson 8. At Home
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 6» Our Magic Planet
Lesson 1. Where Is England?
Lessons 2—3. Let's Go Hiking!
Lesson 4. It Was a Wonderful Day!
Lesson 5. It Wasn't Sunny Yesterday
Lesson 6. What Is the Weather like Today?
Lesson 7. Put on a Sweater
Lesson 8. What Weather Do You Like?
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 7. Rest And Hobbies
Lesson 1. Winter Is Fun!
Lesson 2. Summer Rest
Lesson 3. What We Did inSummer
Lesson 4. Our Hobbies
Lesson 5. My Favourite Book
Lesson 6. We Like Cartoons
Lessons 7—8. Are You Surprised?
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision

UNIT 8 Food
Lesson 1. Can You Help Me?
Lesson 2. Are There Any Vegetables?
Lessons 3—4. Does Your Mum Like It?
Lessons 5—6. Is It Healthy or Unhealthy Food?
Lesson 7. How Much Fruit Do We Need?
Lesson 8. This Plate Is for You!
Lesson 9. Story Time
Lesson 10. We Are Creative
Lessons 11—12. Revision
English-Ukrainian Dictionary
Games and Projects Instructions
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Оксана 07.11.2023 - 22:37
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Помогите 09.09.2023 - 14:30
Можно пожалуйста ответы на этот учебник?
Вікторія 26.08.2023 - 18:54
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