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Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас Любченко Нова програма

15.08.2017 - 13:56 8 286 0
Англійська мова (9-й рік навчання) 9 клас Любченко Нова програма
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STARTING UP Mamma, It was summer!

Lesson 1 Zest of Rost 6
Lesson 2 So Vast Past! 8
Lesson 3 AH roads load to school 10

UNIT 1 Vulture Culture?

Lesson 1 Youth must be served 12
Lesson 2 Apparent Gerund 14
Lesson 3 Flow from ago 17
Lesson 4 Cheering volunteering 19
Lesson 5 Rubbing clubbing 21
Lesson 6 Smooth youth? 24
Lesson 7 Daring and caring 26
Lesson 8 Vision of revision 28

UNIT 2 Lobbying Hobbying

Lesson 1 Nothing but a hobby 32
Lesson 2 No fake - "DO” or "MAKE”? 34
Lesson 3 Time to spare round the year 36
Lesson 4 Snobby hobby 38
Lesson 5 The world is your oyster 41
Lesson 6 With bells on 43
Lesson 7 It really takes 45
Lesson 8 Session of expression 47

UNIT 3 Gobs of Jobs

Lesson 1 Perch to search 51
Lesson 2 A word about the future 52
Lesson 3 Jerk to work 56
Lesson 4 Trait under debate 58
Lesson 5 Agitation of application 60
Lesson 6 Going through an interview 62
Lesson 7 Steer for career 65
Lesson 8 Perks of works 68

UNIT 4 Strain to Entertain

Lesson 1 Outline and define 72
Lesson 2 The Massive Passive 74
Lesson 3 Envision television 77
Lesson 4 Speedier media 78
Lesson 5 Slated and debated 81
Lesson 6 Galloping developing 84
Lesson 7 Strife of life 85
Lesson 8 Recall above all 88

UNIT 5 Reliance on Science

Lesson 1 Dimension of invention 93
Lesson 2 Plurality of modality 95
Lesson 3 Fundamental and accidental 99
Lesson 4 Gallant talent 101
Lesson 5 Recovery of discovery 104
Lesson 6 Continuous genius 107
Lesson 7 Truncheon of luncheon 109
Lesson 8 Spark in the dark 112

UNIT 6 Legislature of Nature

Lesson 1 Aware of affair 117
Lesson 2 Aligning non-defining 118
Lesson 3 Cadastre of disaster 121
Lesson 4 Bitter litter 123
Lesson 5 Sure to cure 125
Lesson 6 What about sunshine? 127
Lesson 7 Addiction to fiction 128
Lesson 8 Wrap up and back up 131

UNIT 7 Fit In Britain

Lesson 1 Groundbreaking and breathtaking 135
Lesson 2 Rise to revise 138
Lesson 3 For all of the capital 141
Lesson 4 Story of glory 144
Lesson 5 Grace of a place 147
Lesson 6 Know how to go 151
Lesson 7 View of a stew 154
Lesson 8 Neat and complete 157

APPENDIX Reference

Grammar Reference 162
Exam tips 174
Glossary 180
Useful Phrases 194
Conversational Formulas 195
Scripts 196
Irregular Verbs 202
Keys 206
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