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Англійська мова 8 рік навчання Несвіт Нова програма

12.08.2016 - 18:16 5 166 0
Англійська мова 8 рік навчання Несвіт Нова програма
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Lessons 1–2. Welcome Back!4

UNIT 1. Mass Media: the Press

Lessons 1–2. The Age of Information8
Lesson 3. We Are in Fleet Street12
Lessons 4–5. How Do You Get to Know the News?14
Lessons 6–7. What We Read17
Lessons 8–9. Navigating the Newspaper20
Lesson 10. Reading a Newspaper23
Lesson 11. Writing News Stories26
Lesson 12. Planning the School Newspaper29
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision31

UNIT 2. School Life

Lessons 1–2. My Studies at School34
Lessons 3–4. Going to School in Ukraine38
Lesson 5. Primary and Secondary Education in Ukraine41
Lesson 6. School Subjects44
Lessons 7–8. Schools in Great Britain47
Lesson 9. After School51
Lessons 10–11. School in the News54
Lesson 12. Planning the School Newspaper57
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision58

UNIT 3. Books and Writers

Lessons 1–2. Stories, Stories, and Stories…62
Lessons 3–4. Books Today66
Lessons 5–6. A Trip to the Library70
Lessons 7–8. Taras Shevchenko74
Lesson 9. The British Writers78
Lesson 10. A Book Review81
Lesson 11. Readers in the News84
Lesson 12. My Favourite Authors and Books86
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision87

UNIT 4. Listening to Music

Lessons 1–2. The Mystery of Music90
Lessons 3–4. Music Styles92
Lessons 5–6. Musical Instruments96
Lesson 7. Music Lessons100
Lessons 8–9. At the Concert103
Lesson 10. Favourite Melodies107
Lesson 11. Famous Composers109
Lesson 12. Project Work112
Lesson 13. Grammar Revision113

UNIT 5. Countries, People, Lifestyle: The UK and Ukraine

Lessons 1–2. My Penfriends116
Lessons 3–4. Teenage Leisure119
Lesson 5. Climate and Weather123
Lesson 6. Whatever the Weather…126
Lesson 7. At the Map of the UK128
Lesson 8. The Land of Great Britain131
Lesson 9. Life in Britain134
Lesson 10. Different Countries, Different Customs...136
Lesson 11. Love Ukraine140
Lessons 12–13. At the Map of Ukraine143
Lesson 14. Countries in the News147
Lesson 15. This Is the Way We Live149
Lesson 16. Grammar Revision150


Unit 1. Mass Media: the Press154
Unit 2. School Life161
Unit 3. Books and Writers168
Unit 4. Listening to Music173
Unit 5. People, Countries, Lifestyle: the UK and Ukraine182
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